MRU 2024; Volume 2 Issue 1: 21-45

Ectopic Twin Pregnancy: A case report

Nawal Ali Ahmed Mohamed, Haitham Abdalla Ali Ismail, Ahmed Elnour Adam Zakaria, Abuelez Hassan Ibrahem Abdalla.

Spontaneous pregnancy of a live twin ectopic pregnancy is very rare. The obstetrics and gynecology department at El Obeid Teaching Hospital in Sudan discovered this twin ectopic pregnancy.

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MLH1 and MSH2 gene mutation patterns in Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal cancer in Sudan

Balgis Elhag Ibrahim Tager, Salah Eldin G. Elzaki, and Ahmed Abdula Agabeldour.

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasingly becoming dominant in Sudan, which is attributed to several factors, including hereditary mutations in the DNA mismatch repair genes MLH1 and MSH2. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the MLH1 and MSH2 gene mutation patterns in Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal cancer in a series of Sudanese patients with CRC. 

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Common motives of admission of pregnant ladies from traditionally gold mining areas in Sudan

Nawal Ali Ahmed Mohamed, Ahmed Amin Mohammed Ahmed, Osman Abdlgadir Osman, Eglal Hamza Mohammed Ebrahim, Sahar Alshareef Hasbsedo Ahmed, Eldaw Breima Suliman Mohamed, Islam Isa Abibdall, Ahmed Mohamed Hamid Ibrahim, Esraa Ahmed Hussein Mohmed, Maha Elrasheed Bakri Ismail, Awad Eljeed Abogooda, Abdelaal Ahmed Daldoum Masroub, Hussain Gadelkarim Ahmed.

Metallic elements play a vital role in the health of both the fetus and the mother. This study aimed to identify the primary reasons for admitting pregnant women from regions in Sudan where primitive gold mining is prevalent.

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Are Chronic lymphocytic leukemia blood parameters differing from Other leukemias subtypes

Ekhlas Alrasheid Abuelfadol, Mahadi Musa Mohammed Abdalla, Mohieldin Elsayid, Ahmed Abdula Agabeldour

Adults widely acknowledge CLL as a prevalent lymphoproliferative disease, a hematological malignancy. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess potential differences in blood parameters among CLL and other subtypes of leukemia.

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MRU 2024; Volume 2 Issue 2: 46-63

Management and outcomes of patients with diabetic foot ulcers during the Sudan war

Mohamed Mergani Elkhair1, Fadwa Ismail Guma Kortukala2, Nada MohammedSalih Omer Adam3, Rabaah ALadawya Mohammed Salih Elbasheri Gadkreem4, Balgis Elhag Ibrahim Tager5, Galeela Abdalgader Salem6, Mohamed Mahgoub Hassan Khalifa4, Adam Ahmed Ishag younis7, Abdulrahman Mohammed Abdulrahman Abouh, Sara Adam Mohammed Adam8, Marwah Abdelrahman Alasha9, Hussain Gadelkarim Ahmed.

Diabetic foot ulcers are a serious consequence of diabetes that necessitates specialized medical and personal care. This study intended to evaluate the care and results of diabetic foot ulcer patients in Sudan.

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Histopathological characteristics of cervical cancer in El-Obeid tertiary hospitals: A 5-year retrospective study

Salma Suleiman Hassan, Ahmed Abdallah Agebeldour, Hussain Gadelkarim Ahmed.

Lack of cervical screening programs makes cervical cancer a major health issue in underdeveloped countries. Early clinical symptoms beyond the disease's histological profile are crucial for preventing fatal consequences and providing appropriate treatment

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MRU 2023; Volume 1 Issue 1: 1-20


Cervical co-infection with high-risk Human Papillomavirus and Herpes simplex

Saadalnour Abusail Mustafa, Alfatih Mohamed Ahmed Alnajib, Eldaw Breima Suliman Mohamed, Ahmed Amin Mohammed, Hussain Gadelkarim Ahmed

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is a common sexually transmitted virus that infects millions of individuals worldwide. The current study sought to determine the prevalence of Herpes simplex and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) coinfection in Saudi women.

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Community Perspectives Toward Food Allergies

Albandari Bin Ammar, Khalid ME Eltalib, Mohamed Ahmed Agab Ahmed Agab, Hussain Gadelkarim Ahmed

Food allergy is a widespread condition with multiple manifestations across the globe. The purpose of this study was to analyze the community's knowledge of techniques to improving food allergy awareness in Saudi Arabia.

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