Guidelines for Authors
The Journal uses the AMA Manual of Style for biomedical journal manuscripts. Use A4 (International Standard: ISO 216) paper, double-line spacing, Arial font size 12, no right margin, and line and page numbers. In the cited word file, include figures and legends. Save your text as a Word (.doc,.docx, Open Office, or RTF) file.
Submissions should be one file with a title page, text, references, and other elements as listed below.
Title page
It must include these details:
The title should be succinct and informative, with a maximum of 140 characters (including letters and spaces).
- Up to 80 characters (letters and spaces) for short title.
- According to our authorship policy, authors are named by first name, initials, and last name (e.g., Paul M. Smith) with highest academic or medical degree first.
- Authors' institutional affiliations are indicated by superscripts, not symbols (e.g., Ali M. Suliman1).
- Author contact information (mailing, phone, email); • Clinical Trial Protocol number for submission.
- Supplementary material list with brief descriptions.
- Write a 250-word abstract broken into pieces for each topic type.
- Keywords: List up to 6 keywords in alphabetical order for indexing the article. Utilize lndex Medicus Medical Subject Headings whenever possible. A word library is at
- Acknowledgements. List any significant contributions from non-authors and those who do not meet authorship criteria in this area. Names of Acknowledgement section participants must be approved in writing.
- b) Medical writing specialists.
- c) All group writers that do not match full authorship qualifications.
- d) If your article was preprint, include a reference and link.
- Authors' roles in the manuscript according to CredIt Taxonomy.
Data Availability Statements (DASs): In the acknowledgments, include unique identifiers to publicly archived datasets evaluated or generated during the study to support the results reported in a published publication. Examples:
- a) Publicly available data: This study's data are available in [repository name], [reference number], [DOI], or [URL].
- b) Data accessible on request: The corresponding author can provide this study's data. Due to [reason], the data are private.
- b) Third-party data: Data received from [third party] and available at [URL] with authorization are restricted.
Data sharing not applicable: This study did not generate or analyze new data. This study's data are supplementary to this article.
Disclosures for all authors:
- a) Conflict of interest: The author or his/her family, business partners, or employer may have a financial conflict of interest if they receive direct or indirect commission, stock ownership or options in a manufacturing company, or grants from for-profit or non-profit corporations or consultant and travel reimbursement.
Non-financial conflicting interests include political, personal, and intellectual.
A third party (government, commercial, private foundation, etc.) pays for or provides services to support the research and work presented.
We recommend authors complete and submit the ICMJE Disclosure of Interest form to the Corresponding Author.
Text in manuscript
Divide the text as recommended for each content type and format your manuscript file in Manuscript Text, Figure legends, Tables, and References. Use commas at thousands and full stops at decimals (12,354.55). Tables should precede references in the manuscript. Rank graphs, charts, photos, and illustrations by text citation. Provide high-resolution graphics and graphs as distinct files in the manuscript.
A statistical methods section should describe the strategies employed to reproduce the dataset for independent analysis if relevant to your study. Include a Include a statement on how the data were selected, including prospective sample size calculations, reasons for including/excluding subjects or data points, and any steps the authors took to exclude intentional or unintentional bias in recruitment, measurement, data retention, analysis, and comment. Limit discussion in this text section.
For laboratory values, conventional units of measure are used, with SI conversion factors listed in parentheses at the beginning. Articles with many conversion factors may list them in a paragraph after Methods. Tables and figures should include a SI unit conversion factor in the footnote or legend. Length, area, mass, and volume are best expressed in metric. The Units of Measure conversion chart on the AMA Manual of Style website has more information.
Drug, device, and product names
Use non-proprietary names for medications, gadgets, and other things unless the trade name is crucial.
The cancer classification system
The American Joint Commission on Cancer TNM Classification is recommended.
When using abbreviations, use standard ones and always include the entire term before using them in the text. Avoid abbreviations in titles. Always spell out abbreviations.