Medical Research Updates ⌠MRU⌡. Case Report
MRU 2024; Vol.1(Issue2): 1-4 ISSN 200XX |
Ectopic Twin Pregnancy: A case report
Nawal Ali Ahmed Mohamed
, Haitham Abdalla Ali Ismail1, Ahmed Elnour Adam Zakaria1, Abuelez Hassan
Ibrahem Abdalla2
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Kordofan.
2Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Kordofan
Spontaneous pregnancy of a live twin ectopic pregnancy is very rare. The obstetrics and
gynecology department at El Obeid Teaching Hospital in Sudan discovered this twin ectopic
pregnancy. A prime-aged woman, p1+1, had five days of lower abdominal pain. She also
reported a seven-week menstrual stop and a positive serum HCG test. Ultrasounds showed
an ectopic twin pregnancy in the right adnexa and an embryonic-free uterine cavity. She
performed an emergency laparotomy after seeing a considerable increase in discomfort and
sensitivity while prepping the patient for surgery. The patient with hemoperitoneum and
right ruptured twin pregnancy is improving throughout follow-up. There is no definitive
recommendation for treating ectopic twin pregnancies.
Keywords: Ectopic pregnancy, conception, obstetric emergency
Correspondence to: Nawal Ali Ahmed Mohamed, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences,
University of Kordofan, Sudan Email:, Mobile: +249912661510
Cite this article: Mohamed NAA, Ismaail HAA, Zakaria AAA, Ibrahim AAH. Ectopic Twin Pregnancy: A
case report. Medical Research Updates 2024;1(2): 1-5.