Medical Research Updates ⌠MRU⌡
MRU 2024; Vol.2(Issue1): 1-8 ISSN 00000 | DOI: 00000000000 ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE
© 2023 Medical Research Updates - ISSN 0000x -
Common motives of admission of pregnant ladies from traditionally gold mining areas
in Sudan
Nawal Ali Ahmed Mohamed1, Ahmed Amin Mohammed Ahmed1, Osman Abdlgadir Osman2, Eglal Hamza
Mohammed Ebrahim2, Sahar Alshareef Hasbsedo Ahmed3, Eldaw Breima Suliman Mohamed4,5, Islam Isa
Abibdall2, Ahmed Mohamed Hamid Ibrahim2, Esraa Ahmed Hussein Mohmed6, Maha Elrasheed Bakri Ismail6,
Awad Eljeed Abogooda3, Abdelaal Ahmed Daldoum Masroub3, Hussain Gadelkarim Ahmed3,7.
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of
Kordofan, El Obeid, Sudan.
2Research Unit, El Obeid Specialized Pediatric Hospital, El Obeid, NK, Sudan.
3Prof Medical Research Consultancy Center- MRCC, El Obeid, NK, Sudan
4Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Science, University of Kordofan, El-
Obeid, Sudan.
5Shikan College of Medicine, El-Obeid, Sudan.
6Minstry of Health, NK, El Obeid, Sudan.
7Department of Histopathology and Cytology, FMLS, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
Background: Metallic elements play a vital role in the health of both the fetus and
the mother. This study aimed to identify the primary reasons for admitting pregnant
women from regions in Sudan where primitive gold mining is prevalent.
Methodology: Between January 2018 and December 2023, this descriptive
retrospective hospital-based study was conducted at El-Obeid Obstetrics and
Gynecology Teaching Hospital. All information regarding the participants in the study
was extracted from hospital records. Results: The leading causes of hospital
admission for the majority of patients were prior scarring, labor, MEM&PIHE, and
PPROM (representing 26%, 11%, 9%, and 5%, respectively). Patients originating
from rural areas exhibited the highest prevalence rates of PIHE, PP, PPROM, PS, and
anemia, accounting for 87.5%, 83.3%, 75%, and 61.5%, respectively. Conclusion:
This study showed that primitive gold mining affects pregnant women in several
ways that require community-level intervention. As mining expands rapidly across
the nation without safety protocols, more research is needed to determine these
individuals' exposure levels.
Keywords: Pregnancy, Gold mining, labor, Sudan.
Correspondence to: Dr. Nawal AA, Email:
Cite this article: Mohamed AA, Mohammed Ahmed AA, Osman OA, Ebrahim EHM, Ahmed SAH, Mohamed EBS, Abibdall II,
Ibrahim AMH, Mohmed EAH, Ismail MEB, Abogooda AE, Masroub AAD, Ahmed HG. Common motives of admission of pregnant
ladies from traditionally gold mining areas in Sudan. Medical Research Updates 2024;2(1): 10-22. DOI: 0000